Sunday, 23 February 2014

Brazilian barbecue - the next best thing to actually going to Brazil

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to go to Brazil. 

You can totally imagine yourself in a street shack in Brazil with us right?


Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sleepy Sunday afternoons

I love sleepy Sunday winter afternoons! No other day of the week feels quite so mellow and relaxing. 

Don't look at my nails here - I've just had the acrylic taken off and they have been left really weak and in a pretty dire state! 

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Fit Feb

Thank god January is behind us! I love it when we finally make it through the 'burgh' -  it makes me feel like I achieved something. 


Sunday, 2 February 2014

My month in pictures - January 2014

January was a month of firsts for me, not only did I start my blog, but we started looking to buy our own place, I tried, and really enjoyed red wine, had the girls round for dinner and my friend's gorgeous baby Matilda was born.

So, because it's easy to forget what happens from one week to the next, let alone each month, I'm making sure I don't by creating a little collage of all the things I've enjoyed this month. And yes, that is a picture of Beyonce - I may be a little bit obsessed - have you seen her videos?!?

So, here it is….

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