Sunday, 18 September 2016

Ticking Things Off From My 5 Year Plan

Recently I did something I never really do, I read back over some of my older blog posts and guess what, it totally inspired me. It's easy to forget sometimes, or get caught up in your 'of the moment' mentality to forget about where you've been and what you've achieved, and actually it was so nice to sit and relive some experiences, put myself back in the shoes of yesteryear and so on. This lead me to reading back over my Five Year Life Plan, written pretty much a year ago exactly, and I am amazed I am that I've been able to turn some of those plans into a reality. 


Sunday, 11 September 2016

Why September Is The Perfect #UpgradeSeason

I read an incredibly interesting article recently that, along with the head space I was in at the time, encouraged me to treat September as a new start, just like you would as a kid, when September signals the start of a new school year.


Sunday, 4 September 2016

Birthday Treats at Bourne and Hollingsworth

If you're looking for a good birthday spot for either yourself or a (female) loved one, I'd highly recommend Bourne & Hollingsworth in Farringdon. Having been twice, once for a boozy birthday brunch, and most recently for a birthday dinner, it's an ideal birthday treat!

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