Sunday, 26 April 2015

My Month In Pictures - April 2015

That time of the month again, so here's looking back at all the fun I had, things I learnt and of course, some of the food I ate!


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Finger Lickin' Food at Rum Kitchen

Let me tell you about a finger lickin' little spot; if you enjoy Jamaican cuisine and rum, you'll be one very happy camper in Rum Kitchen.


Sunday, 12 April 2015

Fit Bits: My First Experience of Bootcamp Pilates Notting Hill

OK, so if you guys read my Bikram Yoga post, you'll know I've been really fortunate to give a whole host of new workouts a go thanks to Class Pass, and although Bikram Yoga isn't the one for me, I wanted to see if Pilates was. 


Sunday, 5 April 2015

My Month In Pictures - March 2015

March has been such a busy month and I've loved it. I went to my first blogger event which was so much fun and I got to meet some great new girls, ate lots of delicious food, upped my protein intake and even tried out Bikram Yoga. I also finally got my hands on Cameron Diaz' Body Book to learn a bit more about how to fuel my body correctly. 

I've also been doing a bit of lusting this month. These duck egg trainers are so gorgeous, I'd love to get my hands on them, and these Top Shop boots are also on my wish list too. 

Hope you've all had a lovely month too - hope April is even better. 

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