Sunday, 25 January 2015

Pancakes and eggs, West Hampstead

West Hampstead is a great place to amble around on a weekend, or even a weekday if you're so inclined. So on Saturday, Pooch and I went for a stroll around the local farmers market and ducked out of the cold to get some brunch.


Sunday, 18 January 2015

A year of blogging: What I've learnt

It's officially my one year blog anniversary today and I'm really excited. It's crazy how time flies; when I started, I didn't imagine how much starting a blog would affect me, teach me and how much I'd grow in confidence. 

So, for all you budding bloggers out there I thought I'd share some of my learnings and musings that might make your journey an even smoother one. 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

My diet and fitness mentality

This week has been a mixed bag of success and failure. Fitness wise, I'm already back on track, but my eating has been like something out of Man Vs Food. If you are what you eat I am currently a Dairy Milk Button!


Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Cosy night treat - Beef Bourguinon

Beef Bourguinon is one of my favourite dishes.It's simple to make and is perfect for when you want a cosy night in; plus it tastes even better when its reheated a second time round. 

So, grab a spoon and get ready to tuck into this post; it's a feast for the eyes as well as the tummy.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New Year!

I'm putting it out there - 2014 was a pretty good year overall. Not denying that there were some lows, but for me, last year was all about making the best of situations, living in the moment and getting sh*t done. 

That being said I am even more excited about 2015! If last years moto was JFDI (just f**king do it), then this year is all about PMA (positive mental attitude) and I intend to start as I mean to go on.
Ooh, look at the reflection whilst I gaze into my future. Deep
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