Sunday, 11 January 2015

My diet and fitness mentality

This week has been a mixed bag of success and failure. Fitness wise, I'm already back on track, but my eating has been like something out of Man Vs Food. If you are what you eat I am currently a Dairy Milk Button!

I have been blindly eating away at the contents of my fridge, remaining Christmas chocolate and everything else in between. I can't seem to stop myself, I've started the year off completely glutenous. So, this weekend I sat down and devised a plan. No more eating what I want without thought or consideration, it's time to re-focus and get my diet and fitness back under control.

Obviously you can't get the body you want by focusing on just the diet or the fitness elements, you need both to ensure you have a healthy and strong body, so I need an 
even approach to ensure I stay on track. 


I've planned my meals out for the week, which consist of a mixture of high protein, moderate carbs and lots of veg; from salads, steak, chicken and rice dishes and lots of fish. It's so much easier to stay on track if you don't have to make spur of the moment decisions.

I've given up alcohol for January and replaced it with tea. Now instead of reaching for a glass of wine of an evening, I am reaching for the tea bags. I go on and off green tea quite a lot and substituted it with White Tea for a while, but recently I am loving the Twinings Green Tea with Mint. It tastes just like fresh mint tea but has all the beneficial properties of green tea, so it's great for helping to curb bloating, boosting your immune system and reducing your overall caffeine intake. 

I have also joined the protein shake world. I read up so much on protein shakes, the arguments for an against, yada yada, but have decided that they are right for me. The main reason is to replace my 3pm chocolate snack with something that actually benefits my body and stops me reaching for something that doesn't. I'm not going to use it as a meal replacement, because overall I think I eat a very balanced and healthy diet, but I do find it hard to eat little and often; so for now this is my solution. 

I've bought the PHD Woman Support and Recovery powder in Strawberry Delight and am giving this a trial over a two week period (it only has 16 servings) to see how I get on. 


I already have a good mix to my fitness; I do spinning, circuits, lift weights and run, so I think that I cover all areas rather nicely, however it's time to push things to the next level. 

I've signed up to a series of four personal trainer sessions. I've been going to his circuit classes for the last two years, so I know he works you hard and really looks at your form when you're doing the exercises. which is super important. Plus, Pip said he was great when she trained with him last year, so we're teaming up with for these sessions. It's good that we can do it together as we both have similar fitness goals and it also means we can split the cost which is a bonus and I'm really looking forward to it. 

And that's about it. If anyone has any other tips that I should be trying out, please do let me know as I'd be keen to know what works for you guys and give it a go. 


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