Sunday, 31 May 2015

Fine Dining at Les Templiers, Dunes, France

When we were in France this time round we were lucky enough to eat out at fine dining restaurant Les Templiers, Dunes and it was delicious! 

It was a minimum of three course menus, but you could also have five or seven courses if you wanted, We settled for three, and thank goodness we did as there were multiple entrees and additional desserts either side, making it more like six courses in itself. Talk about decadence! 


Sunday, 24 May 2015

How to enjoy doing absolutely nothing

Do you ever have those days when you just want to escape? Get out of your own way and try something different? Well that's exactly what I ended up doing recently, and I absolutely loved it. It's not like I took a trip to anywhere exciting, or even got out of London, so don't go thinking this is some far fetched love affair where I hopped about the Eurostar just because. In truth, I only got as far as Covent Garden, but in reality, I could have been anywhere in the world that day, I was so content. 


Sunday, 17 May 2015

Blo, Covent Garden

I need to tell you guys about this great little spot in Covent Garden, nestled away on the lower floor of the main piazza, is a blow dry bar called Blo


Sunday, 10 May 2015

The Truth: My experience of Colonic Hydrotherapy / Colonic Irrigation

I'm not sure how this post will go down, but since I booked into this treatment lots of people have been asking me (on the down low) how it was, what the procedure was actually like and confessed it was something they were keen to have, or had often wondered about but are too nervous to actually do. 

So, here it is, my opinion and experience of having Colonic Hydrotherapy. Am I slightly embarrassed to be talking about this? Yes! But, we're all big enough and ugly enough to know it happens and there are actual benefits to it, so let's skip all the bullshit and I'll tell you all about it. 


Sunday, 3 May 2015

The Battle of Giving Up Sugar - The Good, The Bad and The Fuzzy

Do you ever have one of those weeks that just feel a bit blurgh? You feel a bit of a 'fuzzy' version of yourself, rather than the composed person you normally feel. Well, I've done a bit of an experiment, to determine what makes me feel like this, what stops me feeling like this, and generally how to control that fuzzy feeling that leaves you out of sorts. 

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