Let me set the scene, it's a hot spring afternoon, I'm rocking some matching underwear for once and I'm feeling good as a result - you know, 'just for me'. I'm in town because I have some errands to run, but I finish up by 3pmish and it's such a nice day that I just decide not to go home. I message my friends to see if anyone can come play with me, Kiran can, but not for a couple of hours, so I set about deciding how to fill my time.
I walked back into the main Piazza of Covent Garden and it was literally alive with people, performers, musicians and magicians; it was a buzz of laughter and good vibes and I just smiled. I totally enjoyed being swallowed up in the foray of people and goings on. Until a guy stopped me; 'Excuse me miss, can you spare 10 seconds?'. I scanned him up and down, checking for the clipboard but there wasn't one, so I said OK. 'Can I just tell you that you look great today, have a nice day!' he said, and with that he just turned round and sauntered off. I couldn't believe it, this guy was probably 20 at the oldest, a cute looking kid in all regards but the fact that he'd come up to me and said that, put a massive smile on my face.
I love that about London! The brazen behaviour of men sometimes is enough to make any girl feel happy, it's just nice. Anyway, I carried on walking about and there was a group of people promoting their religious beliefs. One asked me if he could talk to me for a minute, I was in no hurry so thought sod it, and I'm so glad I did. Not because we debated beliefs or disbeliefs, but because sometimes it's just really nice to talk to a stranger. To engage and question things and to actually have an enjoyable few minutes chatting with someone totally random.
After that I went and found a spot in the sun and sat on the curb along with a group of other people listening to a local guy play the guitar. I must have sat in that spot for about an hour and a half as different acts came on and played away, the crowds clapping and cheering them on, some drinking, some dancing. Me, I just sat there and listened, until I got out the diary I had bought earlier in the day and just started writing. I wrote down all my thoughts from the day, my observations and the main things I didn't want to forget.
It's bizarre but the whole time on my own felt so empowering. Just being a speck amongst all these people, not a single one who knew me, nor I them, I was lost in my own world with nobody to bother me.
I made a mental note to remember the feeling and to take stock of the day. I think the Italians call it Dolce far Niente - the art of doing nothing - believing that doing nothing just gives you chance to refocus, find balance and to take stock I guess. The truth is, I did nothing of note the whole afternoon by myself, yet it gave me a sense of perspective which I haven't had in a long time!
I know this was quite a rambling post but I really think that if a few more people learnt to get lost in something other than their strict routines or habits for a while, the change you'd feel would be just as effective. Perhaps short lived, but it would definitely make you stop and think.
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