Sunday, 29 March 2015

Top Tips for Maximising Your Blog, Thanks to Amazon Associates Event

Last week I went to my first blogger networking event thanks to an invitation from Amazon Associates and I'm so glad I went. I met some great girls, and learnt some really useful blogging insights thanks to Ella (Coco's Tea Party), Gem (Gemfatale) and Reena (Fasiondaydreams). It was great to hear from the girls who have made it work and learn a few tips, so I thought I'd share some of what I learnt for those interested in blogging.


Sunday, 22 March 2015

My First Experience of Bikram Yoga with Class Pass

There’s something nice about waking up on a Saturday without an alarm and leisurely getting ready to try your first ever Bikram Yoga Class. Believe me, I didn't see this one coming either, it's a foreign concept to me as I’ve never done yoga of any kind before, let alone the hot, sweaty kind, but I'm always up for giving new things a go. 


Sunday, 15 March 2015

Burger It: Chuck Burger Bar, Hatch End

How often is it you go off searching somewhere new without actually exploring what is right on your doorstep? I've explored my local town obviously, but the town right next door - not so much; and who knew that a hop, skip and a jump (or a two min car drive) down the road we'd find a great little Burger joint to tuck into on a Friday night? Whattsup Chuck?


Sunday, 8 March 2015

True friendships stand the test of time

True friendships can stand the test of time and nothing proves that more than when I met up with a group from uni who hadn't (as a collective) got together in over five years! 

Note to all - never let a waitress take your picture, they don't tell you when...


Sunday, 1 March 2015

My month in pictures - February 2015

I actually haven't managed to take as many pictures as I'd have liked this month, but it's been a great one. Dan totally surprised me at Valentine's Day with some pink bubbles and a trip to see Fifty Shades - for those that are interested, I liked it. I spent some time thinking about what I wanted from life - and it seemed you guys liked that as it became my most read post ever, so thank you - I'll try and do some more of this style post in the future. Plus there was a whole host of other things, parties, baking and finding funny things on Pinterest. It really was a good month! 

Hope you enjoy the recap x

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