To give you a bit of background - Vee was the first person I ever spoke to at uni. When I moved into halls, he was sat outside our block and helped hold the door open (gentleman) and then we went out on the first night together and drunkenly declared we'd be great fiends forever.
Then there was Sabrina, who was my flatmate and moved in the next day - we bonded quickly over our love of Coco Pops, garage music, cheerleading and cheap alcohol. We spent the next three years as one another side kick and could often be found dancing our socks off to Shaggy's remix of Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing before a night out.
Then there was James - who we met at a bus stop (as you do) during Freshers Week. Over excited and full of eager beans I asked him if he wanted to come out with us, despite the death stare being given from Vee. He was stood on his own with his ear phones in suitably shocked when I stumbled over and invited him out. He made some excuse about needing to go back and get his ID before coming out and we parted ways in town. We didn't actually expect him to come out - but sure enough in he bopped into our dancing circle and a friendship was born.
The next three years we were a whirlwind of parties, photo's and pitchers of alcohol (with some studying thrown in too) and in our last year, James, Sabrina and I all moved in together.
Then uni finished and apart from texts and a few of us meeting up every now and then, the four of us were never in the same place at the same time - until now!
We all met up and went for a bite to eat on Friday night to line our stomachs before heading out for Vic's birthday. It was one of those really surreal moments when James (aka Mullix) walked out the tube and we all got excited and flashed back to the crazy uni days. The funniest thing was that we literally didn't know where to start, we kind of floated along in a chatty frantic bubble until we sat down - after all, where do you start after five years? At the beginning of course! We reminisced, laughed, and filled each other in on all the gossip.
Then we put on our dancing feet and headed out to party. It was so much fun, and really made me appreciate my friends. Good ones don't come round every day and knowing it can be five years and you can pick up where you left off, shows these guys are in my life for the long haul, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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