Sunday, 28 December 2014

My month in pictures - December 2014

Eek, the end of the year, and the end of December. How did this happen? Christmas goes too fast, no matter how hard you try to enjoy every second. 

Last year it felt like it zoomed by so I thought I'd soak in as much as possible. So, here's a look back at everything I got up to this month, including Christmas, of course.This is why it's the most wonderful time of year - copious amounts of food, silliness and quality family time.  


Sunday, 21 December 2014

A trip down Borough Market at Christmas

When three friends meet up four days before Christmas, and the only pre-requisite is it must be to do something Christmassy, Borough Market is a great shout! 


Sunday, 14 December 2014

Did someone say it's nearly Christmas?

There is only one way of getting yourself in the festive spirit; by whole-heartedly submerging yourself in all the seasonal fun, festivities and total overindulgence.
I took a massive lesson from last year when Christmas almost seemed to pass me by as there was so much going on in the lead up. So this year I was determined to keep my eyes wide open to it all and enjoy every second. 


Sunday, 7 December 2014

Christmas with the girls 2014

Christmas dinner with the girls is starting to become an annual tradition and it's one of my favourites. 


Thursday, 4 December 2014

Pizza and cocktails in Soho

When you're looking for a chilled out evening with friends, B-Soho is a great little spot. Especially Thurs - Sat when they have live music too.

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