Sunday, 25 October 2015

A Relaxing Break In The Countryside, Bishopstrow Hotel and Spa

I need to tell you about my little weekend getaway at Bishopstrow Hotel and Spa in Warminster. Well, I say tell you, but as a picture says 1,000 words I'll show you instead. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Kicking The Sugar Hangover - Throwing Down The Gauntlet

OK guys, I have a confession, I have totally fallen off the fitness and healthy lifestyle waggon into a pile of glistening, sickly, sugar and copious amounts of alcohol - yep I don't do things by halves! Suffice to say, it's not ideal and it's time for me to get my ass back into gear!


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Breakfast Treats At Muriel's Kitchen

As far as I'm concerned, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and when someone says 'let's meet for breakfast'; there is nothing that would stop me, and we ended up at Muriel's Kitchen in Soho. 


Sunday, 4 October 2015

Well Read: Books To Read This Autumn

I got a kindle back in July for my birthday and although part of me felt I was selling my soul to the technology world and losing touch with books, I am so glad I did as its helped me fall back in love with reading again.

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