Sunday, 26 July 2015

5 Tips For Becoming A Morning Person

I never used to be a morning person, I used to drag myself out of bed at the last possible second and then it'd take me a couple hours of 'quiet time' to perk up completely. But then, things changed. As soon as I made up my mind, I made five simple changes that helped me turn my morning blues into successes and I haven't looked back since. 


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Girls Who Helped Inspire Me To Succeed

I'm really lucky to know such a great group of girls, some I met growing up, some at uni and then some since I started working, but thinking about some of the things that they've done over the last year or so is so inspiring that when I was looking for inspiration and work motivation a while ago, I didn't have to look any further. 


Sunday, 12 July 2015

28 Things I've Learnt About Myself In The Last 28 Years

You may have seen that it was my birthday recently and one of my friends jokingly asked me to name 28 things I'd learnt about myself now I was 28 - its actually harder than it seems to think about what you know about yourself - but here goes:

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Birthday Brunch at Bourne & Hollingsworth and Golden Bee Boozing

This week it was my birthday, and to celebrate I made like the queen and had a double celebration; dinner with Dan on my actual birthday and then the main celebration on the weekend. It's only right when your birthday falls on a Wednesday right? 


Friday, 3 July 2015

When I saw Channing Tatum; Magic Mike XXL Pre-Screeening

This week I was lucky enough to get a first glimpse at Channing Tatum's pecs as he threw all kinds of sexy shapes around various dance floors in Magic Mike XXL.

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