Sunday, 19 July 2015

Girls Who Helped Inspire Me To Succeed

I'm really lucky to know such a great group of girls, some I met growing up, some at uni and then some since I started working, but thinking about some of the things that they've done over the last year or so is so inspiring that when I was looking for inspiration and work motivation a while ago, I didn't have to look any further. 

When it comes to going after what they want, these chicks know how to get the job done, and for anyone else looking to be inspired, then here are just some of the things that helped inspire me to chase my dream and go after what I wanted. I'm not going to mention names or anything like that, but just snippets that show girls really can rule their world when they go after what they want.

  • Seeing a spot open up in her company and marching straight into the bosses office because she didn't know how to do it yet, but she would damn well learn quick and had skills that complemented and broadened the role, landed one a new job role. 
  • Asking for more money because a promotion isn't just about the name, it's about the added responsibility and pressure and that needs to be reflected in pay, saw one increase her wage a bit; there is no glory in being underpaid and under valued.
  • Changing careers and retraining because what she studied at uni she didn't want to do anymore - go figure you weren't bang on the money when you were 18. It lead to her going back to school and retraining whilst working part time but now she has a career and lifestyle that works for her.
  • Moving companies because she wanted better recognition and wanted people to stop remembering what she was like young in her career. She didn't want to be looked at as the young girl but the capable woman she is.
  • A self starter who is able to turn her hand to almost anything because she believes enough in herself to make her dreams a reality, whether it's nutrition, selling home wares or educating, she had the self belief that she could make it happen and she did.
  • Having a baby is a job in its own right but having a baby and going back to work is above and beyond. She had the balls to renegotiate her work contract in a way which suited her, including flexi hours and days off. Nothing puts work into perspective more so I'd imagine.
  • The one who keeps on training. She is hungry to learn and keeps putting herself forward for things because she knows the hard work will pay off. It puts her rungs above her competitors making her very specialist; which means she has more power to negotiate contracts or work environments.
  • The entrepreneur who sat and gave herself a business plan at the age of 23, and ended up turning a blog into a business and then into an actual shop. Her ability to create a strategy and stick to it proves that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. 
  • Dealing with a really shitty ordeal with such poise and grace. It's testament to the beauty and strength she has as a person.
  • Having the balls to quit her job to go travelling and using the experience to her advantage, turning it into the start of a new career in another country.

For me, each of those examples is a testament to the strength and resilience of these girls, how each of them wasn't afraid to take a risk, and it paid off, it may not have happened straight away but it gave them something to work towards and their courage and drive to go after what they want has inspired me to do the same!


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