Sunday, 23 March 2014

Secret Single Behavior

Sometimes there is nothing nicer than having the place to yourself.

When you live with someone, especially in the small flats you get in London you can sometimes feel like you're always on top of each other. But when you get those glorious few hours on your own, of a week day evening or on the weekend, there is nothing I love more than indulging in a bit of SSB.

Secret Single Behaviour or SSB - coined by Carrie and co in Sexy and the City The Good Fight (S04 E13) where they explain about all the things they love to do when no-one else is watching and they get space from their significant others.

My SSB list is endless and I execute it with precision and zeal, the fact that Dan may come back early (Yeah right - I'll never learn) always in my mind meaning I'll have to terminate my mission early.

  • It starts with a clean flat. It needs to be clean so that I'm not bothered or crowded by the mess.
  • Then I pour myself a glass of Vino (although if there are bubbles in the house they are getting drunk!) and I run a bath.
  • Whilst its running (we have a really slow tap) I settle on the sofa with a magazine and small ramekin filled with lots of goodies to nibble on. These can be anything from pieces of Galaxy Cookie Crumble or Green & Blacks White Chocolate, to strawberries, grapes and almonds.
  • I always read the features first in a magazine and then fashion pages, tabbing anything I come across that I really like and can afford (most importantly).

Much needed - look how long ago my last SSB session was! 
If I'm going blind, I may as well look good…
  • Then I set out my bathroom, complete with candles, wine bottle and I surround myself with my beauty bits that I over indulge with in the bath, along with the iPad so I can catch up on episodes of the Good Wife. 
  • Next its time to dip my toes in the bath which I always run too hot and takes me about 5 mins to ease my way into. 
  • Generally I spend about 1 - 2 hrs in the bath (prune much?!) and get out to slather myself with moisturiser.
  • I top up my wine if there's any left and it's then back to the sofa to give myself a mani/pedi and pick back up my magazine whilst they dry.
  • It's then all topped off with a trip to the spare room where I sit prodding and examining my face in a close up mirror whilst tidying up my eyebrows. 
  • And finally there is just chance enough for a good natter with one of my girlfriends, or a browse of  Pinterest before I hear the key turn in the door… 

Until the same time next week - I wish.

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