Sunday, 6 December 2015

Tips on how to overcome Blogger Burnout

We've all been there, when Blogger Burnout strikes and all you want to do is unplug and retreat into something other than a cyber existence for a while.

I had one of those periods recently when I felt it was becoming more of a struggle than it should be and despite how many creative content posts I had written in my various notepads, nothing felt quite right, or some felt right but I didn't have the time or the inclination to execute them properly. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy my blog either, I loved it still, it was just that blogging felt like yet another commitment I was trying to juggle and everything together left me feeling more stretched than inspired, which isn't a great state of mind to fuel the creative juices. 

Still, I'm out the other side and wanted to write this post because although I don't like to put negative things on here, I learnt a few really good tips which may help some of you if you're going through the same thing and needing a bit of a pick me up before unplugging at Christmas. 

1. Read other bloggers advice on Blogger Burnout
Pretty much all of my favourite bloggers have written about Blogger Burnout at one point or another, a few even do annual ones, but it's really nice to read them and know you're not alone, it's actually really common and there is a whole host of advice out there. 

2. Take the pressure off yourself and change your blogging day
Regardless of when you post your blogs, sitting there racking your brain the day of is never the best way to do it. Sometimes it can't be helped yes, but many times it can. If you post on a Sunday like me, write it on a Saturday so it takes the pressure off. Or, when I was going through this phase, I changed my blogging routine and spent Monday and Tuesday evenings writing as it turned out thats when I was getting all my ideas and I could bash out three or four posts within a few hours and then go back and finesse them before publishing. But having the structure and content there already did make such a difference. 

3. Forget about doing it for the blog and do it for you
I got into this bad habit of doing things just so I could blog about it, and although sometimes it totally lent itself to a blog post, sometimes it didn't and a few Instagram snaps would have sufficed. But seeing everything through a blogger lens meant that in some instances it can take the fun out of things, especially if you're already feeling the burn, so just enjoy certain experiences for what they are. 

4. Try blogging about new things
Don't be afraid to expand your blog to other topics that interest you. It may be that when you started the blog you were really interested in cooking, but now your biggest passion is fitness, or fashion, so incorporate it into your blog. One of the great things about blogging is that it can be whatever you want it to be, and you can amend it as you go, whether you use the stats to find out what works for you, or you just find a real niche, whatever it is, making these changes may go along way to helping spark your inspiration with your blog. 

I hope this helps, but if you have any other tips please do share, we all need to share and share alike in these situations!

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