Sunday, 20 July 2014

Vive la Republique

It's not often you go away from the UK and leave better weather behind you, especially when you're heading to the south of France. But that's exactly what happened when we set off the weekend before last to a place called Gasques, which is about an hour outside of Toulouse.

We visit every year as Dan's parents are lucky enough to live out there and to be honest we often get hit and miss weather (Dan always brings the rain with him - it's totally not me) but it doesn't matter. It's such a relaxing break and this year it couldn't have come at a better time.

It was getting to the point where Dan and I were both dragging ourselves out of the flat in the mornings to go to the gym/work and we were so mentally and physically exhausted it was all a bit much.

I know this because on the first day/night we slept for around 15 hours. Zonked! But then we woke up to this view. Lush, as far as the eye can see.

That really set the tone for the holiday too, it was all about rest and relaxation. Lazy days spent reading, walking, eating good food and drinking good wine. What more could you want?

Apart from being serenaded by your uber talented boys of course!

When in France, it's a must to visit some markets too. Firstly we took a trip to Valence-d'agen.

Keep away vamps! 
It's a bit pongy! 
Dan and I have 'pet' names for each other. I'm the moo, he's the pig so we couldn't resist snapping up these little money banks?

And because you can never get enough of French markets, we also went to the market in Moissac where we found the most exquisite little coffee shop.

A transformed music store, the new owner has kept traces of the past with a guitar and piano which anyone is welcomed to sit at/pick up and begin playing. It was a right little Aladdin's cave of notebooks, paper and paper mache too. Oh and we had drinks out of bowls instead of tea cups. Beyond cute.

Then it was time to have a wonder around. How about some art? (This is my pondering face)

Hungry work all this walking around - Paella anyone?

Or some veg? I will shout this from the rooftops - the veg you get in France is way more interesting than that in the UK, we had round courgettes, yellow courgettes, and a rainbow of tomatoes.

Our trip also timed perfectly with La FĂȘte national (known to many as Bastille Day, which is a celebration of the beginning of the French Revolution) in true French style on 14th July. We wrapped up as we headed back into Valence-d'Agen for the evening. And it was pretty great, there was a band, food stalls and some pretty incredible fireworks that nearly burst our eardrums.

All in all, Dan and I left relaxed, rejuvenated and totally speaking the language of love.


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