Sunday, 31 January 2016

Fit Feb 2016 - Let's Do This

I am so glad that January is now behind us, I'm so over all the ups and down, inner turmoil and self imposed restrictions we put on ourselves, February is what it's all about for me.

I love February because (despite it being a leap year this year) it's a short month, and actually things seem so much more achievable, like working out each day. Yep, once again I'm throwing down the gauntlet as I enter Fit Feb, doing something each day, whether its a full workout, some at home yoga, or stretching or even doing some LISS, such as walking.

To get me kick started I am doing Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide, I did a few sessions at the end of last year and now I'm going all in. If you don't know about Kayla, she is a young PT from Australia who has created a fitness movement through her workout guides and women everywhere have taken up the baton, enjoying her workouts and posting transformation pictures across social. Now, it feels like my time to get on board, to shake up my workouts, and get back into following a new routine and I'm pretty interested to see if it lives up to the hype. 

By now you know what I'm like though, and I need something to give me a kick up the gym behind so I'm checking out new trainers, and I've got my eye on the below. I love getting new trainers, there is something so reinvigorating about them, and that is definitely something I need a helping hand with right now. 

Aside from that I am committing to drinking 2L of water daily too. My lack of water intake over the past month has definitely been something I have noticed, and my skin is looking more sallow and I'm getting some pesky little spots that won't shift - not hot! I found the below image on Pinterest and I can certainly see the resemblance of the dehydrated side effects in my skin, so I'm taking firm and fast action. 
Whilst I'm on the 'new month, new me' flex, I'm also throwing one more out there, to try and plan ahead! I don't know what's happened to me at the moment, but when it comes to weekends, I have kinda been taking them as they come which means I haven't been as productive as I like. 

I'll check back in with you on my progress at the end of Feb and let you know how I've got on, and I promise, to give an honest account of things, from how I found the first four weeks of BBG, the difference to my skin due to increasing my water intake and how planning ahead has worked out for me. But, safe to say right now I'm looking forward to kicking February's backside once again. If I did it last year, there is no reason I can't do it again! 


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