Sunday, 24 January 2016

The Best Project You'll Ever Work On Is You

Do you ever have one of those times when you just want to shake things up a bit? I'm definitely in that frame of mind at the moment, and it's got me really excited about what the future could hold and feeling motivated to achieve. 

I really feel like there is something in the air at the moment, so many of my friends and family are striving to make new moves at the moment, trying to better themselves, their situations, give new ideas a go and generally having the guts to put themselves out there, that it's really inspiring. That's one of the many great things about being surrounded by driven people, it forces you to continually strive to be better, to not rest on your laurels and to have the guts to try things out - whatever it may be. 

I previously wrote a post about my JFDI attitude (just f**king do it) which was my motto for 2014, then 2015 was all about PMA and how I was going to stop making excuses, now I feel like I need a new one: The Best Project You'll Ever Work On is You. Yep, that one is straight off a motivational quote, but its the one I'm choosing to live by this year - whatever you do, make it count for you and be proud of your achievements! 

Case and point - I have just come back from skiing with 15 others and it was so much fun. I had never set foot on a pair of ski's before but actually really surprised myself at how much I took to it and was able to progress within a week, I even managed a few (two) red runs! It just goes to show that you should always give new experiences a go and throw yourself in whole heartedly, as you never know what could come out of it. I got home feeling proud of myself, exhilarated, and that brilliant sort of exhausted that only comes when you've given something your all. 

Now I'm back, I am really keen to continue to not lose this momentum and to throw myself into things. I've already got my calendar out planning a few trips for the year and I am determined to get myself back into that gym and focusing on the healthy lifestyle once more. (Yes, I know I said that towards the end of last year too, but let's be honest the end of the year is not a good time to fit in new routines around multiple festive parties!) But one thing that will really help me is that we've moved offices at work, which means my commute is shorter, I'm nearer to my gym and generally things will be far more accessible. God knows things can be tough when you're just starting a new routine, so the easier it is to stick to the better!

Watch this space - I'm back making moves (and throwing some shapes along the way!)


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