Sunday, 3 January 2016

New Year New You or Same Old Me?

New Years generally splits people into two camps: the New Year New Me group, where the dawn of 2016 heralds fresh starts, new goals and changing of old habits and then those who feel no different and are happy with how they are. 

I really like the romantic notion of embarking on new journeys in the new year. The hope and optimism that the chiming of Big Ben brings and the planning for the future and thinking about what you want out of the upcoming year. Seeing the new year as a fresh start where you can right the wrongs of the year before, or set yourself goals of self improvement. 

But similarly being so comfortable with yourself that you're determined to do this year the same as the last also shows strong self belief that is pretty impressive too. Being that content with how you are, what you have and where you are going. These guys don't need a new year to make change, they make them as and when they need to and fair play! 

Personally, I fall somewhere between the two. I like to plan short term goals for the year to come and then tick off what I've managed to achieve at the end of that year - yes, I really do. I love setting goals and then smashing through them within a set amount of time. But I do fall short of the whole New Year New Me mentality as I already like and appreciate who I am and what I've become, I'm more, New Year New Achievements.

For me, 2015 was a year of change for sure: new job, new friendships, change in lifestyle, change in various relationships and although it definitely wasn't an easy year, it's one I've come out of stronger and more content and for that I'm happy. 

Whichever camp you fall into, I think we all agree that we all hope for better for ourselves, our family and friends in 2016, so Happy New Year, whatever you want out of it. 

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