Sunday, 3 April 2016

Changing My Life, 30 Days At A Time

Have you ever read anything that has totally inspired you to give something a go, right then and there? Tbh it's a rhetorical question as I'm sure most people are inspired by some form of written word, whether it's a motivational quote, a book or even an article. Mine was the latter, and actually the main reason I purchased last months Elle magazine, because on the cover was a header saying "Change your life in 30 days". 

It's not like I want a total life overhaul or anything, but I am feeling the need to bring a bit of spring clean of my current life state, to let in a bit more positivity and let go of any negativity. I'm not alone either, it seems everyone's behaving a bit more positive now the weather has dared to show a glimmer of hope. It's surprising how much difference a bit of sunshine makes! 

Anyway, I digress. I read this article by Debbie Morgan, and it has totally inspired me to follow suit... In the article she's staring down the barrel of turning 30 (cough, cough), and decides to make the last year of her twenties count, by setting herself a series of 30 day challenges, all aimed at pushing her out of her comfort zone and encouraging her to try new things. Sounds inspiring right? 

Debbie's challenges are all a mixture of self-liberating and very challenging too, from going make-up free for a month, to learning the guitar, writing a novel (or at least so many words) to even going vegan, and she writes up short honest reviews of what it was like for her that month. 

So, I want to give it a go, but rather than plan the whole year out, which I think is a bit much for a hungover Sunday, I am planning up until the end of June, which will tie in nicely with my turning 29. So effectively, that gives me three months to plan and execute various challenges to see how I get on, not to mention plan ahead for the next three months. I'll keep a diary throughout and then summaries for you guys at the end of each month, hopefully some of them will be encouraging and you'll want to give it a go, but apologies in advance for what I'm sure will be brutal honesty. 

The three I've chosen are:

April 2016 - Edit the book Dan and I wrote together. It's sat there written at the moment but it definitely needs a bit of editing and fine tuning, so that's what I plan to do this month. My plan is to edit each day, but I don't want to give myself a specific goal as some nights in the week I'll have to work late, other times I'll have a free weekend, so I guess it'll vary, but doing at least 500 words a day means that I'll get it done. I know I will, then it'll be for you to keep an eye out in bookshops!

May 2016 - Go pescatarian. Yep, I'm throwing it out there, and everyone who knows me knows what I'm like when I'm craving 'the meat', but for 30 days I'm going to go without meat, but still allow myself to eat fish. This isn't something I've ever really considered before, and I guess without realising it, I do eat a lot of meat, as in with pretty much every meal, but lots of people talk about the benefits of going meat free, so I want to give it a go, just to prove to myself I can, I'm not saying I won't be paying the butchers a visit as soon as it's over though. 

June 2016 - Take up yoga. I invested in a yoga mat recently and lots of people say it's great for meditation as well as flexibility, so I'm going to throw it into the mix and give it a go. I'm not sure yet if I'll go to classes or use the free You Tube tutorials for a start, but either way I'll be keen to see if I take to it. 

It's funny, writing them down gave me that nervous excited feeling you get, like just before you run a race. I'm excited and looking forward to the challenge though. I'm really hoping it will help give me a bit of a focus for now. There are other things I'll be working on in the background too, but for now, I'm happy with my selection - and clearly need to get reading some cook books to help prep for May. 

#watchthisspace #30daychallenge 

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