Sunday, 22 May 2016

The Importance Of Taking Time For Myself

Today has been the day I've been looking forward to for weeks, because I have absolutely no plans, apart from chilling out and I am so ready to just chill out, unwind and give myself some much needed R&R.

The last few weeks have been totally mental, I've been working hard and then partying even harder which has been so much fun, but with everything else that's going on at the moment I feel like now is a really good time to stop, take stock and just chill the hell out. There is only so long you can keep going at 100 miles an hour, and I think that I have eventually reached my limit. Now I plan on having a week where I try and look after my body, as with the increase in social events there has been a decrease in my general health and fitness and I can really see the effects. All I can think about is how nice it will be to be fit and healthy again and getting myself back on the road to success, meaning getting back into the gym (yep, again!), prepping my meals for work and being in bed by 10:30 on a school night. I know my body will thank me for it and I think it will also help clear my mind, process stuff and hopefully provide some much needed clarity. 

As for today however, it's all about total indulgence and setting the president for the upcoming week, so it's all about the pampering.  First things first will be cleaning the flat (yep, messy flat, messy mind!), then a trip to the gym to start as I mean to go on.  Then when I'm back, it's all about butterflying myself. 

I bought two below face masks from H&M in Budapest and I have been waiting for the perfect time to try them out. I've not seen them over here, but there were so many options to choose from, so I opted for Charcoal and Pumice to help exfoliate and revive tired skin and Coconut Water to moisturise. Today will require some exfoliation for sure though. I've also got an Argan Oil hair mask which I intend on slathering on and then sitting to do my nails which are in definite need of some TLC.

A chilled day nesting wouldn't be complete without a good chick-flick of some kind too, either that or I may break out SATC as its been a while since I caught up with Carrie and the girls. So on that note, enough writing I need to crack on my with my day of R&R, hope you're all having good Sundays. 


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