Sunday, 8 May 2016

Why I'm Dying To Get Outta Here!

OK, so the title may be a slight exaggeration but I do feel desperate for a holiday, and thank goodness I have one. I 'ummed' and 'ahhed' about what post to write today, but rather than force out some content which perhaps didn't feel quite fitting, I chose to focus on the here and now, and that is me, wine in hand (don't judge) sitting down and taking stock of how much has happened this year, whilst totally letting my hair down in a new city.

As you're reading this, I'm in Budapest enjoying a well earned break with some of my girls, full of sun, fun and a fair bit of friskiness. I'm so glad to have been able to get away, as I'm usually terrible at planning holidays at this time of year, putting them off for some unbeknownst reason and then get to the point where feel like I've burnt out. Well, that point has come, sooner than usual, but I packed my mini bag (so I don't have to pay for extra on Whizz Air) and I'm here. Hopefully I'll come back relaxed, refreshed and reinvigorated to take on new challenges. Luckily good mates, good booze and a good view is a pretty good antidote to help reignite the flame!  

Travelling, and seeing Europe in particular, (as it is right on our doorstep) is something I also put on my goals list for this year and its definitely something I am keen to achieve. As a result I'm also looking at lining up holidays for June / July and then a bigger holiday in September. I've booked two weeks off and at the moment am unsure of where to go, perhaps Mexico, or maybe somewhere else far afield, who knows, but until I decide I'm going to keep adding anything and everything to my Travel Pinterest board (well that's a bit of a lie, I have about eight travel boards I spread them across, but fyou get my drift). If you have any suggestions of where to go for a nice two week va-cay, please do let me know too, as all I can think about at the moment is where my next holiday is going to be. 

So that's it, short and sweet from me this week but stay tuned for a full report on Budapest, what I've been getting up to and what I've learnt about the city I currently know very little about.


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