Sunday, 5 June 2016

Just Do It - June's 30 Day Challenge

May is now behind us, it's officially summertime (not that you could actually tell right now) and my second 30 day challenge is complete, so now it's on to the next one and I've got a really clear focus of what I want to achieve. 

May's 30 day challenge, for those of you who don't know, was to try and say yes to as much stuff as possible and just get out my own way a bit more, to not be worried if I didn't have a plan, and to ultimately go with the flow as it were. Well I did it, and May was actually the busiest and most fun month I've had in a long time. There were so many birthdays, and there was my weekend break to Budapest and I loved being so busy, jumping to one thing to the next purely because I was saying yes, rather than no. It was actually quite a liberating experience to be honest and I still have to update you guys on some of what I got up to. But now it's June and it's time to slow the pace down and focus back on 'me' and in particular my health and fitness goals and clearing my mind of unnecessary stresses.

It probably goes without saying that when you say yes to stuff, although it's so much fun, for the most part it ends up revolving around alcohol; a cheeky night out here, a bit of food and drink there, and as I say I loved it, but I have felt the effects massively on my bank balance as well as my body and it is time to switch things up again as that just wasn't sustainable. 

I always get really inspired when I do Fit Feb too, so I'm reverting to type and committing to a 30 day challenge of doing something related to health, fitness and clarity every day. I'm naming this month 'Just Do It June'. No excuses, just getting on with it. So every day I am going to be doing something to fulfil my body's needs, whether its a gym session, a run, even a walk, eating healthy meals, or not drinking alcohol, even taking time to just unwind and relax my mind. This month, my body is going to be more of a temple than it has been in a while, and I'm going to see what, if any, progress that gives me before my birthday (now only a month away).

I plan on getting myself at least one personal training session in, upping my gym routine, running a fun run later this month, adding some new healthy meals to my repertoire and may even try and visit a spa  for some pampering. I also really want to try a new class and I've got my eye on GrooveCycle so I can stretch my body in new ways. Whatever it is, this month is going to be designed to actually focus on my body and what it needs to feel strong, powerful and positive again. Saying yes to everything like I did in May was definitely all well and good and I am still going to adopt that approach, but within reason. 

Aside from the health and body benefits, I am also hoping all of this will help clear my mind, which has been rather crowded with negativity lately. The good thing is, fitness is great for when you've got a lot of stuff you need to work through and then the relaxing and taking care of myself part will all help add to me feeling better about myself in general. After all, when you're looking after yourself its hard to feel as negative as everything feels more positive.

Beyond that, I've also got to start planning my two week holiday in September, I have the time I just need to plan somewhere to go, and I know wherever it is, I am going to need sun, so anything that helps my body look more on point for the beach is a wise move for sure!

I'm really enjoying committing to these 30 day challenges. It makes whatever I'm trying to achieve seem manageable, and although the challenges aren't groundbreaking, I am achieving and learning things about myself as I go. I've already edited the book Dan and I have written thanks to committing to it in April, I've seen so much of my friends and family and I've put myself out there quite a lot in May, I still have so much to update you guys on, but for now the focus has shifted and it's on to the next one.


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