Sunday, 3 July 2016

Making My 29th Year The Happiest Yet

As you may have guessed from the title, I have just turned 29 and when I blew out my candles on various cakes over the weekend, I made a pact with myself that this would be my happiest year yet. 

It's the last year of my twenties firstly, so I'm determined to go out with a bang and the celebrations to see in my birthday definitely put me on the right track. I had the best time celebrating with so many of my favourite people, from dancing the night away on the Friday, to a trip to the theatre to see Book Of Mormon, which is absolutely hilarious and I encourage everyone to go and see it pronto. As well as dinner with my parents and lunch with my cousins. I feel so happy to have seen so many of the most important people to me this weekend and I plan on bottling this feeling and keeping it with me all year long. 

I am choosing happiness over stress this year for sure. I want my 29th year to all be about smiles and silliness and nothing too serious. I have some things that I want to achieve and tick off my list before I turn 30, but I don't want to stress about them or put myself under undue pressure, I want to just stay silent and motivated about them and spend my time laughing my ass off to reduce the frown lines that could begin appearing on my face at any minute... 

As always I have a bit of a plan to ensure I stay on track with what I think may be the most important goal I have, and I'm so determined to succeed that I smile just thinking about it. 

The biggest one for me is to focus on the positives of every situation. I know this is going to be easier said than done, and of course I'll have times when things just piss me off, but there are things that we go through that are certainly made easier when you focus on the good rather than the bad. I generally try and have a positive mental attitude anyway, but this year I'm ensuring that happy halo doesn't slip! 

The next is to stop overthinking and try to go with the flow a bit more. This one may be slightly harder for me, and it pertains to a certain situation in particular, but I am 100% prone to overthinking everything, and last year I did a whole post on the need to let it go, so it's time I took my own advise as being in your own head can lead to you being your own worst enemy sometimes. 

The third is to celebrate successes, and they don't have to be huge ones, but things that I've worked for that I pull off. Whether thats work, personal or fitness goals, I want to ensure that I remember the moments of success and celebrate some how. I don't mean always with treats or anything either, but there is nothing better than looking back over a period of time and remembering that feeling where you pat yourself on the back for having put your mind to something and achieved it. 

Fourth is to stop sweating the things that are out of my control. I guess this is me admitting I can be a bit of a control freak, I don't know, but I know I need to let certain things go and as soon as you do it totally reduces the stress that you carry around. It's not good, it's not healthy and it can end up leading to overthinking and certainly stops the possibility of positive outcomes.

Finally the last one is to take more breaks. I haven't been on a beach holiday since 2014, and I cannot wait to get the sand between my toes and run into the sea again (and no, British beaches don't count). I need the sun beating down on my skin filling me with vitamin D, a load of good books to read and a great bikini selection to choose from. I'm not even kidding. I need a summer holiday so badly. One of my favourite things to do is to get lost in the world where only a few people know where I am, I can leave my phone, switch off mentally and physically and just be completely content. It's times like that when I am so truly thankful for everything thats got me to where I am, and so yeah, I plan on at least two sun holidays before I turn 30 (I best get saving). 

Happy Birthday to any other Cancer's out there all getting another year older this month, let's make this a great year!


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